In Release 9, we have made some significant changes to Subject Enrolment Identifiers for Victorian enrolments. This enhancement streamlines the process by automatically generating and updating Subject Enrolment Identifiers based on specific criteria. In this article, we will dive into the details of this feature and how it can benefit your workflow.
- What is a Subject Enrolment Identifier?
- Previous Method
- New Method
- Impacts To Existing Data
- User Interface Changes
Required: Program Enrolment Identifier Auto-Update Feature
It is recommended that you read this article, as these two features work in conjunction with each other.
What is a Subject Enrolment Identifier?
The Subject Enrolment Identifier is a unique identifier in the Training Activity (NAT00120) file, representing a student's training enrolment, standalone subject assessment, or program-related subject. Once successfully submitted to SVTS without errors, certain data elements within a Subject Enrolment Identifier cannot be changed. These include the:
- Client Identifier
- Subject Identifier
- Purchasing Contract Identifier
- Program Commencement Date
- Program Identifier
- Associated Program Identifier (if reported)
- Activity Start Date
- Program Enrolment Identifier
The Subject Enrolment Identifier field can be found in the Advanced details for each unit in an enrolment.
Previous Method
Until Release 9 (available from September 19th, 2023), Subject Enrolment Identifiers were generated by appending the Enrolment Identifier with the Unit Code.
However, this approach posed challenges, especially when specific fields within the enrolment were modified. SVTS mandates that certain fields should remain unaltered when units are reported.
Any changes to these fields could lead to discrepancies in the Subject Enrolment Identifier, causing compliance issues with SVTS.
New Method
Only ReadyTech Staff can enable this feature for you. If you'd like to enable it, please reach out to ReadyTech Support.
Enabling this feature will also enable Automatic Program Enrolment Identifiers, please refer to this article for more information.
Our new feature addresses these challenges by automatically updating the Subject Enrolment Identifier based on the fields mentioned above. When any of these fields are modified, the Subject Enrolment Identifier will automatically adjust to reflect the changes.
This feature is made available through a feature flag called "VIC auto-update enrolment identifiers".
The enhanced method of generating a Subject Enrolment Identifier operates as follows:
Concatenation of Reportable Fields: The following fields in the NAT00120 report will be combined into a single value, separated by hyphens (-):
- Party Identifier (position 21 length 10)
- Unit Code (position 31 length 10)
- Course Code (position 45 length 10)
- Unit Start Date (position 53 length 8), in the format yyyymmdd
- Purchasing Contract Number (position 125 length 12)
- Associated Course Code (position 144 length 10)
- Program Commencement Date (position 159 length 8)
- Program Enrolment Identifier (position 255 length 50)
Hashing Using SHA1: The concatenated value will undergo a SHA1 hash transformation.
Output as Hexadecimal: The Subject Enrolment Identifier will consist of a 40-character alphanumeric value, ensuring each unit receives a unique identifier.
Impacts To Existing Data
If you have already reported Subject Enrolment Identifiers via the previous method, they should remain unaffected by these changes.
If you do choose to enable this feature, some unit data will be affected if the following criteria is met:
- The enrolment is in a course with the state set to Victoria
- The enrolment is marked as reportable to AVETMISS
On the contrary, unit data will not be affected if the enrolment meets one of the following criteria:
- The enrolment is in a course with a state that is not set to Victoria
- Enrolment has a contract set in Victoria, but the course is not set to Victoria
User Interface Changes
With this new feature, there will be some changes to the user interface to ensure a seamless experience.
Subject Enrolment Identifier Field: The Subject Enrolment Identifier field will be displayed at the unit level if any of the following conditions are met:
- The course state is Victoria.
- The enrolment contract's primary state is Victoria.
- The enrolment contract's secondary state is Victoria.
Auto-Update Enrolment Identifier Checkbox: A new checkbox, named "Auto-Update Enrolment Identifier" will be added at the unit level. This checkbox will only appear if the "VIC auto-update enrolment identifiers" feature flag is enabled.
If this checkbox is selected, the Subject Enrolment Identifier field will be restricted, and the system will automatically update it whenever relevant fields are modified.
If the checkbox is not selected, you can manually edit the Subject Enrolment Identifier as needed.
Renaming of Existing Field: To enhance clarity, the current "Enrolment Identifier" field at the unit level will be renamed to "Subject Enrolment Identifier."