TCSI Data Element Mapping List 300 → 400

Please Note

The following element mappings are derived from the TCSI Support Centre.
For the full Data Element Dictionary, see

Element Number

2020 Element Name

Input packet

2019 Element name

Field Name


Course code

Course (HE), Course (VET)

Course Code

Administration > Curriculum > Program > Details > Code


Course name

Course (HE), Course (VET)

Course Name - full

Administration > Curriculum > Program > Details > Name


Course of study type

Course of Study, Course Offers, Course Preferences

Course of study type code

Administration > Curriculum > Program > [Course] > Compliance > PIR > Course of Study Type


Special course type code

Course (HE)

Special course type code

Administration > Curriculum > Program > Compliance > PIR > Special Course Type Code


Student identification code

Student (HE), Student (VET)

Student identification code

Party > Profile > ID


Date of birth

Course Application, Full-time Staff, Student (HE), Student (VET)

Date of birth

Party > Profile > DOB


Gender code

Casual Staff Actuals, Course Application, Full-time Staff, Student (HE), Student (VET)

Gender code

Party > Profile > Gender


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander code

Course Application, Full-time Staff, Student (HE), Student (VET)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander code

Party > Compliance > AVETMISS > Indigenous Status


Term address postcode

Student (HE), Student (VET)

Location code of term residence

Party > VFH/VSL/Fee-Help > Term Address


Residential address postcode

Course Application, Student (HE), Student (VET)

Location code of permanent home residence

Select address in Party > Compliance > VFH/VSL/Fee-Help > Details > Permanent Address

Prior to Selection, must have Created address in Party > Profile > Address


Basis for admission code

Course Admission (HE), Course Offers

New basis for admission to current course

Party > Enrolment > Higher Ed > Fee Help > Admission Basis


Basis for admission code

Course Admission (VET)

New basis for admission to current course

Party > Enrolment > VFH/VSL > VET Student Loans > Admission Basis


Mode of attendance code

Aggregated Awards, Course Offers, Course Preferences, Unit Enrolment (HE)

Mode of attendance code

Party > Enrolment > Higher Ed > Fee Help > Attendance Mode


Mode of attendance code

Unit Enrolment (VET)

Mode of attendance code

Party > Enrolment > VFH/VSL > VET Student Loans > Attendance Mode


Type of attendance code

Aggregated Awards

Type of attendance code

Party > Enrolment > Course Details > Study Mode


Type of attendance code

Course Admission (HE)

Type of attendance code

Party > Enrolment > Course Details > Study Mode


Type of attendance code

Course Admission (VET)

Type of attendance code

Party > Enrolment > Course Details > Study Mode


Academic organisational unit code

Unit Enrolment (HE)

Academic organisational unit code

Administration > Curriculum > Program > Compliance > Fee-Help > Academic Organisational Unit (AOU) Code


Work experience in industry code

Unit Enrolment (HE)

Work experience in industry indicator

Enrolment > Unit of Study > More Details > Work experience in industry indicator



Unit enrolment (HE)

Equivalent Full-time student load

Administration > Curriculum > Unit of Study > Default


Party > Enrolment > Unit of Study > More Details > EFTSL



Unit enrolment (VET)

Equivalent Full-time student load

Administration > Curriculum > Unit of Study > Default


Party > Enrolment > Unit of Study > More Details > EFTSL


Country of birth code

Full-time Staff, Student (HE), Student (VET)

Country of birth code

Party > Compliance > VFH/VSL > Country of Birth


Year of arrival in Australia

Course Application, Student (HE), Student (VET)

Year of arrival in Australia

Party > Compliance > VFH/VSL > Year of arrival in Australia


Language spoken at home code

Course Application, Full-time Staff, Student (HE), Student (VET)

Language spoken at home code

Party > Compliance > AVETMISS > Main language


Course of study load

Course of Study, Course (VET)

Course of study load

Administration > Curriculum > Program > Compliance > [Course]> PIR/TCSI/HEIMS > Course of Study Load


Unit of study code

Unit enrolment (HE), Unit enrolment (VET)

Unit of study code

Administration > Curriculum > Unit of Study code


Unit of study status code

Unit enrolment (HE), Unit Enrolment (VET)

Unit of study completion status

Enrolment > Unit of Study > Outcome

* If Outcome field is blank, the Unit of Study record/row will not be reported

Administration > Configuration > Outcome Types > Unit of Study


Citizen resident code

Course Application, Student (HE), Student (VET)

Citizen/resident indicator

Party > Compliance > AVETMISS > Citizenship status


Amount paid upfront

SA‑help Loan, Unit Enrolment (HE), Unit Enrolment (HE), Unit Enrolment (VET)

Amount paid up front

Enrolment > Unit of Study > More Details > Amount Paid Up-Front


Amount charged

SA‑help Loan, Unit Enrolment (HE), Unit Enrolment (HE), Unit Enrolment (VET)

Total amount charged

Enrolment > Unit of Study > More Details > Tuition Fee


Maximum student contribution code

Unit Enrolment (HE)

Maximum student contribution indicator

Enrolment > Units of Study > Maximum Student Contribution


Course of study name

Course of Study

Course of study name

Administration > Curriculum > Program > Name

Nick is the author of this solution article.

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