Process: Add a Note/Checklist to a Party Record

Notes and Checklists are a great record-keeping tool in your Student Management System. They let you log communications, assign tasks to other users, and apply institutional processes. 

For Example


  • Logging a Call - At times, an Administrator or Trainer may need to contact a student using their phone. To ensure that no information is lost during the exchange or should that user move on to another organisation.
  • Logging a Complaint - A student may call to make a formal complaint. A Note template makes it possible for a user to collect all relevant information before re-assigning the task to another user for review. 


  • Course Closure Checklist - You may create a checklist that can be assigned to a user when a Course is ready to be closed. This checklist helps ensure the user follows the institution's processes, and once complete, the checklist remains against a course for record-keeping purposes. 
  • Trainer Induction Checklist - You may create a checklist to onboard a new trainer. This checklist can help ensure you collate the correct information, and collect and upload the appropriate documentation required. 

Notes and Checklists can be assigned as a Task for another user in the system to complete.

They can also be applied to other entities in the system such as a Course, Program, Units of Study (Subject), Unit, Company, Host Family or Course Application. 


Add a Note

To add a Note to a Party Record, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to a Party Record. 
  • Click, Notes/Checklists.
  • Click, [+] button. 


  • Complete the Note window.


  1. Template Type - If using a pre-configured template, select the Type of Template you wish to apply. This will determine which templates you can choose from later on. 
  2. Template - Depending on the Template Type, previously selected, a list of options will be presented to you based on what is available for that Template Type. Should you decide to create a custom note, this field is not required. 
  3. Category - The Category is what is visible to the Assignee when the Status of the Note is set to open. While the Template Type and Category do not have to be the same, they do both draw from the same Reference Data Table. 
  4. Date - By default, this will show the current date. It indicates when the Note was created. Should you need to backdate this Note to an earlier date, this can be done here. 
  5. Title - The title describes the subject of the Note. We recommend keeping it short. 
  6. Description - This field is where you can add further information relating to the Note. It may describe the action required from another user, or note information regarding its purpose. 
  • Complete the Settings window → General tab.


  1. Priority - This field is used to indicate the urgency of the Note. If Assigned to another user, this will be visible to them so they can quickly see what requires their immediate attention. 
  2. Assignee - If this Note is to be set as a Task for another user, you can add them here as a follow-up. By adding them as an Assignee, this Task will appear in their Task List and on their Dashboard. 
  3. Archived - If checked, this Note will be archived. Once a Note is archived, it will no longer be viewable to the Assignee regardless of the Status. 
  4. Status - The Status lets you set the Note as a Task. By setting the Status to Open, it will apply the Note as a Task to the assigned user. Once the Note has been reviewed or actioned, it can be Closed or Cancelled by the user responsible for actioning the item. 
  5. Follow-Up Date - This date is used to tell the Assignee when the Note, which is now a Task, is due. A Follow-Up Date can only be applied to a Note where the Status is Open. 
  6. Specific Time - If appropriate, a Specific Time can be applied to a Note. This is especially useful should you decide to create an Event from the Note.

    Please note, the Specific Time must be set at the time of creation. Once created, a Specific Time can not be edited if it did not already exist. 
  • Complete the Settings window → Event tab.

  1. Create an Event - If enabled, this will create an Event against the Party Record. The follow-up Time and Date, previously set, will be applied automatically to the Event. 
  2. Type - Choose an Event Type. This is a configurable list of options. 
  3. Timetable - Choose whether you want to link the Event with a specific Timetable in your system. If left blank, the Event will simple be created against the Party Record's Timetable. 
  4. Repeats - Select whether this is a Repeatable Event.
  • Complete the Settings window → Privacy tab.

  1. Private - If enabled, the Note will only be viewable by the user who creates the Note, and if necessary a User specified in the Viewable By dropdown list. This Viewable By option is only available when the Private checkbox is checked. 
  2. Show in Student Portal - If enabled, this Note will be visible to the Party Record via the Student/Employer Portal.
  • Complete the Settings window → Associations tab.

This lets you link a Note to another Party Record or Course within your system. For example, if you are recording an incident, you may wish to link all other Party Records who were involved. This saves you having to create a separate Note against each record.


  • Click, Save.

You have now added a Note against a Party Record.

Creating a Checklist

This process is almost identical to adding a standard note to a party, and assumes that you have checklist templates set up in your system already. To add a Checklist against a party record, you can follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the party record where you want to add a checklist.

  • From the left-hand menu, click on the + button next to Notes/Checklists to add a note against the party.

  • In the Notes section, set the Category to checklist. This will then add a new Checklist item to your note configuration. This is a drop-down menu where you can select from the checklist templates in your system.

  • You should find once the Checklist item has been configured, that the Note description field, has updated to Tasks with all of the checklist items present.

  • The assignee will then be able to edit this checklist to complete the tasks. Additionally, they also have the ability to leave notes against each item.

  • The General, Event, Private and Associations settings remain unchanged to a standard note creation. Once you have configured these settings, click the Save button.

You have now created a Checklist against a party record.

Nick is the author of this solution article.

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