Process: Add/Edit a Course Form

Course Forms makes it easy for Students to apply/enrol directly into a course. Using the Course Forms Feature means that you can throw away the paper-based application and put the onus on the student to submit their information directly to the institution. 

Once submitted, this form can automatically create a new Party record and then apply an Enrolment record against the student's file. 

The Form Builder is not limited to Course Applications. Institutions can also use this tool to collect information from prospects, feedback from alumni or even allow students to request services.


Add a Course Form

To add a Course Form, follow these steps:

  • Go to AdministrationFormsCourse Forms.
  • Click, + New
  • Complete the New Form window. 


  1. Name - Provide the Course Form with a unique name for easy future reference. 
  2. Branding - There is the option to apply a custom brand per Course Form. This is a great way to white-label the Course Application Forms or even apply joint branding. This is customisable per Course Form.
  3. Location - This field references the institution's pre-existing Locations. To add or edit to these locations go to: Administration >> Lookups >> Locations/Facilities. If this Course Form is linked to multiple courses with different locations, you can leave this option blank. 

  4. Enabled - If checked, this Course Form will be enabled/active. This means that at any time when you go to assign a Form, you can select this Form as an option. To remove this Form as an option, simply uncheck the Enabled box.
  5. Allow Login - This allows existing parties who are already registered with the institutions Plus Platform the ability to log in and have particular fields in the Form auto-populated. 
  6. Auto-Confirm Enrolments - Checking this box means that all applications submitted will be automatically be enrolled in the course. This is not recommended if you have a detailed enrolment process, e.g. Interviews need to be completed, eligibility needs to be checked, or AVETMISS details need to be confirmed. This checkbox is more suited for non-accredited training.  
  7. Auto-Confirm Services - Checking this box means that all applications submitted will automatically create a Demand Record against the Students Record.
  8. Hide from Student Portal - If the institution uses the Student Portal, they can choose whether to hide the Course Application from the Portal or make it readily available. 
  9. Enable Payments - When enabled, applicants will be able to make payments from the Form. When enabled, you must select a Payment Gateway Provider.

    When enabled, the Allow Pay Later will be displayed on the 'Payment' step of the Form. Students can then choose to Pay Now or Pay Later.
    To use the Payments function, there must be a pre-existing integration with a Third-Party Payment Gateway.

    Note: To view a range of Payment Gateway options, visit our Payment Gateway documentation area.
  10. Link Multiple Courses - When enabled, it is possible to link several courses to one Course Application Form. Search for the Courses by name to add them to the Form. This will make the Courses available for selection when the student goes to apply.
  11. Snippets - Input type is HTML code. It will be added verbatim to all Applications, useful for analytics or footers. 
  • Click, Create.

You have now added a Course Form. 


Edit a Course Form

To edit a Course Form, follow these steps:

  • Go to AdministrationFormsCourse Forms.


  1. + New - Create a new Course Form.
  2. Search- Search for an existing Course Form. 
    1. Edit Web Form - Edit the physical web form itself.
    2. Edit Form Settings - Edit the settings of the Course Form.
    3. Copy - Create a duplicate of an existing Course Form.
    4. Delete - Delete an existing Course Form. 
  • Click, the EditIcon.
    • To edit the Web Form click this Icon.

    • To edit the Form Settings click this Icon.

  • Make any required changes. 
  • Click, Save

You have now edited an existing Course Form. 

Nick is the author of this solution article.

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