Process: Add/Edit Outcome Types

The ability to enter outcomes is one of the most fundamental aspects of your Student Management System. Often times, you may want to add some customised grades to the system that your admins/trainers are more accustomed to utilising. This article will outline where you can find the Outcome Types in the system, and how you can add/edit these Outcome Types.


How to Add Outcome Types

  • In order to find the Outcome Types in your Student Management System, navigate to Administration → Configuration → Outcome Types.
  • From here, you will see all of the Outcome Types that have already been added to your database. For example, the standard National Reporting (Australia) Outcome Type will always be available for use by default.
  • Click on the + Button in the top left-hand corner of the page, to add a new Outcome Type.
  • You will be presented with the following Outcome Type Configuration Settings.Outcome_Settings.png
  1. Name - This is the Name of the Outcome Type table that you are setting up. You allocate this field as something recognisable for your admins/trainers.
  2. Description - This is the Description for the Outcome Type table. This should explain the purpose of why the table was created in your database and what purpose it serves.
  3. Range Scoring - When enabled, this allows the user to customise numbered grading for the Outcome Types. For example, if you are a Higher Education Provider and you use a percentage scale from 0-100%, the Outcome Types can be configured such that by inputting the student's percentage score for the Unit, it will automatically calculate what outcome to assign.
  4. Outcome Code - This is the Code that is assigned to each Outcome that will be present in the UI when admins/trainers are allocating grades to students.
  5. Outcome Name - This is the Name of the Outcome that admins/trainers can identify in the UI when allocating grades to students.
  6. Outcome Description - This is the Description of the Outcome. Use this field to describe what the Outcome means and when it should be assigned to a student's unit results.
  7. Reportable Outcome - Even though you are customising your Outcome Codes and Names, this drop-down box is used to highlight what each Outcome actually maps to when it comes to Government reporting (if required). Using the example above, if you assigned a student an outcome of "CS - Completed Satisfactorily" within the UI, this will still map to an outcome of "20 - Competent" for your AVETMISS/Claims Reports.
  8. Groups - Groups are used to manage which admins/trainers have access to assign certain Outcomes against students. For example, any users who have Group 1 access can only assign Outcomes that are flagged as Group 1. Similarly, users who have Group 2 or Group 3 access, can only assign Outcomes are flagged as Group 2 or Group 3 respectively.
  9. Trigger Invoice Flag - This is a unique flag that works hand in hand with the Course Payment Option trigger "On Enrolment Unit Outcome with Trigger Invoice Flag". If this Payment Option is enabled, then whenever a student is assigned an Outcome that has the Trigger Invoice Flag enabled, their invoice will automatically be created/scheduled.
  10. Enrolled Outcome Flag - This flag goes hand-in-hand with the Commencement Outcome Flag. See logic below.
  11. Commencement Outcome Flag - If a student has their attendance marked for an event that is linked with a Unit, that Unit's result will be updated to the Commencement Outcome if it is currently set as the Enrolled Outcome. This will only trigger if the unit has not already been reported in AVETMISS or Claims Reporting, and the Enrolled Outcome must be a Non-Reportable Outcome.
  12. Enabled - This flag is used to disable/enable Unit Outcomes from being available for selection in the UI when grading student Units. 
  • Click on the Create button once you have configured your Outcomes.

You have now added a new set of Outcome Types.

How to edit Outcome Types

  • In order to find the Outcome Types in your Student Management System, navigate to Administration → Configuration → Outcome Types.
  • Find the Outcome Types that you are wanting to edit, and click on the Edit icon on the right hand side of the page
  • This will bring up the same configuration settings as shown in the New Outcome Types page.
  • Once you have made your required changes, click on the Update button.

You have now successfully edited your existing Outcome Types.

Nick is the author of this solution article.

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