Process: Using Smart Fees Within A Course

Smart Fees allow a user to pre-create a fee library for use within their system. These fees can then be allocated to courses to represent amounts to be paid and tracked - representing tuition fees, course fees, and more.

  Required: Adding a Smart Fee Library

This process requires that you have created a Smart Fee Library within your system prior to this step.


Managing Smart Fees Within A Course

Start by selecting a Course you wish to manage within your system:

On the left, go to the Finance heading, and then Payment Options:

To add a new Payment Option, click the [+ New] button:

This will display the Payment Option Wizard, providing access to the fields needed to establish a new payment option for your course.

Immediately identify the field labelled Type, and amend it to select the option Smart Fees:

 Important Note

If you do not set the Type Selection to Smart Fees, you will be unable to configure this payment item to operate as a Smart Fee Library Item option.

With this done, your next immediate step is to navigate further down the page to the Items heading, and remove the defaulted Line Item that has automatically populated within this space. Do this by using the round Delete button on the right-hand side:

 Why Delete This Line Item?

This item is safe to remove, as the information that would usually be entered in this way will instead be more efficiently drawn from the Smart Fee Library configured already.

With these critical steps complete, enter a Name for your Smart Fee enabled Payment Type.

Press Create once this is done to save this Smart Fee Payment Type.

With this item configured the Links, Override Rules and Trigger options selected within your Smart Fee Library Item will be taken into account during the Payments step of the enrolment process.

Please Note

Your configured Smart Fee must be configured correctly, with referenced linked items that are present within the course in order to function at time of calculation!

Smart Fees During The Enrolment Process

With your Smart Fee Library established within the finance details, you can now make use of them when enrolling a party into the course.

When processing a New Enrolment, the Payments step will be available like so:

Locate the Smart Fees Heading - you can expand this to display the full details of the course-linked Smart Fees:

To utilise these Smart Fees, ensure the checkbox is ticked next to the Smart Fee item:

By pressing Confirm Now, the configured Smart Fees will be utilised when calculating the fee structure for your enrolment.

Utilising Automatic Smart Fees


You need to ensure that your Smart Fee Library items are configured properly before proceeding. Smart Fees cannot be edited or changed during the enrolment process.

Automatic Smart Fees can be enabled at the course level. Having this enabled allows you to bypass some of the manual work during the enrolment process and skip creating Payment Options for the course entirely.

To enable Automatic Smart Fees, go to the course page and click on the Edit button.

 Please Be Aware

Automatic Smart Fees only work when enrolling individual students. This functionality does not work with bulk enrolments.

There will be a checkbox under Settings to enable Automatic Smart Fees.


You cannot enable Automatic Smart Fees for courses that already have student enrolments.

They can only be enabled for newly created courses.

Once Automatic Smart Fees have been enabled, the Payment Options page will not be accessible as all payment related work will be handled by Smart Fees.

When you go to process a new enrolment, the Payment step will be available if there are Smart Fees that can be applied. The Smart Fees that appear on this page are determined by the links in your Smart Fee Library item.

Any Smart Fees that can be applied to the enrolment will appear on this page. You only have two functions available to modify the Smart Fees on this page.

  • Fee Adjustment: This allows you to change how much is being charged by the Smart Fee. It will require that you give a reason for making the adjustment.
  • Change Target: Allows you to change the Target of the Smart Fee.
Ash is the author of this solution article.

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