Create a New Report with the Report Builder

This article will go over utilizing the Report Builder to extract essential data from your system. You will learn the process of creating a report and running it successfully.


What Is A Report?

A report is a document that presents organized information derived from data analysis or extraction. It provides insights, summaries, or findings to aid decision-making or communication. Using tools like the Report Builder, you can specify data fields, apply filters, and customize the format to generate meaningful reports from your system.

Our system supports data extraction in the form of spreadsheets or CSV files.

Access The Report Builder

Begin by navigating to the Reports section and selecting "Report Builder." Then, click on "New Report" to enter the Report Builder interface.

Designing Your Report

When using the Report Builder, the initial page allows you to specify the fields to include in your report. 

Select the folder corresponding to the entity that contains the desired field. This action expands the folder and presents a list of available fields for that entity.

Choose the specific field you wish to add to the report by clicking on it. This will add that data field as a column to your report.

You can remove fields from the report by clicking on the field, then clicking on the Remove button. 

The Report Builder facilitates the linking of data fields through entities. For instance, if you include the Enrolment ID field in your report, it will also display any data in Party fields that you add since enrolment and party entities are connected.

It is important to consider the data you require from the system and establish the appropriate field connections. Please note that certain data cannot be combined in the same report if they lack a relationship with each other.

Once you have added all the necessary fields, proceed by clicking the "Next" button.


Please be aware that the sorting feature has been disabled for performance reasons. If sorting is required, it can be easily done in Microsoft Excel after exporting the report.

If you wish to refine your report with filters, refer to our dedicated article on applying filters for detailed instructions.

You can also automate report generation at specific intervals, schedule it according to your preferences. Our guide covers this process in detail.

Adding Details

On the final page, personalize your report by providing the following details:

  • Name: Choose a descriptive name for your report.
  • Description: Optionally, include a brief description to enhance organization.
  • Format: Select from three available options:
    • Microsoft Excel: Extracts the report as a .xls file, compatible with Microsoft Excel.
    • Comma Separated Values (CSV): Exports the data as a .csv file, compatible with various programs.
    • CSV Delimiter Pipe (|): Provides an alternative .csv format with delimiter pipes.
      When in doubt, opt for the Microsoft Excel format for maximum compatibility.
  • Make Available in Trainer Portal: Enable this option to grant Trainer users access to the report. Ensure they have the necessary access role assigned, otherwise they will not be able to access reports.
  • Export to External File Storage: If you integrate with external file storage systems such as SFTP or Amazon S3, export the report to your preferred file system.

After configuring all the settings to your satisfaction, click "Save" to store your new report.

Running Your New Report

To access your created reports, navigate to Reports → Report Builder → Report Templates. 

You will find a list of your reports there. Simply select the desired report and click "Run Report" to initiate the generation process. 

Upon completion, a download link will be provided for you to retrieve your report.

By following these instructions, you can generate reports customized to your requirements. 

Caylemn is the author of this solution article.

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