Release 2023.02

Release 2023.02  

Should you have any questions about the latest release, please contact your Client Success Manager or Customer Support via our support centre 


Key Changes: 

  • New certificate rule 
  • Displaying nominal hours 
  • Verify, create and edit USI details from the course student list  

Planned Release Dates 

  • Phase I: Tuesday 7 March 2023 
  • Phase II: Tuesday 14 March 2023 



New Certificate Rule 

We have added a new rule called “Enrolment met delivery rule & USI Verified, including Exemption Codes" that can be used for controlling when certificates are created. This rule is better suited than the existing rule “All Units Completed & USI Verified, including Exemption Codes" which will only trigger when ALL units are completed. The new rule “Enrolment met delivery rule & USI Verified, including Exemption Codes" is better in scenarios where: 

  • A duplicate unit exists on the enrolment (a withdrawn/failed attempt, and a 2nd completed attempt)
  • A student switches from one elective unit to another after the first has been reported.



Display Nominal Hours

We have reintroduced displaying the Unit Nominal; Hours on the Enrolment->Edit Units and Add Enrolment Wizards → Outcomes (advanced) pages so that a Units Nominal Hours will be displayed to the user in the label of the Scheduled Hours field. 


Course Student List - USI 

Users can now Verify, create and edit USI details from the course student list. 




Search by Payment ID 

We have added the ability to search via Payment ID on the Finance Hub → Payments page 


Bulk Unit Grading – Ignore Pre-requisites 

We have updated the Course → Bulk Unit Grading page to allow outcomes to be set when they have been configured to “Ignore Pre-requisites” (i.e. when the unit pre-requisite has not been completed). 


Removal of all Print buttons 

All “print” buttons have been removed from the system. This has been done to declutter the pages as these print buttons in the system were just calling the native browser print functionality. If you would like to print a page, the equivalent can be achieved through your browser by pressing CTRL+P on Windows or CMD+P on a Mac. 


ECAF Manager – Last Run Indicator 

The eCAF Manager now has an indicator in the top right corner to show when the eCAF integration background job was last run. 


New System Rights – Credit Notes 

We have added new system rights for Credit Notes. There is one for New/Create and another for Approve/Reject. Previously the permissions for these actions were only available to limited 4 Administrator roles and was not configurable beyond those. 


Invoice Extract Permission 

We have updated the setup: invoice_extract|run_invoice_extract permission, so when denied against a Role, the Sales → Finance Hub → Reports → Invoice Extract menu and page will not be accessible. 


Invoice Creation Permission 

We have updated the setup: invoice_creation permission, so when denied against a Role, the Administration → Finance → Invoice Creation menu and page will not be accessible. 


Smart Fees Library – Bulk Actions 

We added the ability to select all Smart Fee records for bulk actions on the Smart Fee Library items page 


Claims Report – South Australia ATIS 

The ATIS claim report for South Australia has been removed. No new contracts can use the “SA ATIS” option for their claim programs and any existing contracts will no longer create a claims schedule. 


Moodle 2021 Integration - Username 

For the Moodle 2021 integration, users can now choose the default Moodle username to be the JR Plus party identifier or the JR Plus party email. 


Email from Party Applications

We have addressed an issue preventing generation of emails from the Party Application page. We also moved the email feature to the bulk menu for consistency with other parts of the system. 


Forgot your Password

We have improved the Forgot Password Process to behave the same regardless of whether an account exists. This is a security improvement designed to prevent an attacker being able to confirm if an account exists in any given database. 


Session Timeout 

Default session timeout is changing from 60 minutes to 30 minutes as a security improvement. Contact the Support team if you would like a shorter session timeout. 


API Updates 

Course and Party API 

  • We have enhanced our Course and Party API Webservices so that you can now query the Course and Party nodes by their tags. 
  • We have resolved an issue with the parties->contact address API endpoint where an error would result when querying an address without a Country. 



24905 - We have fixed an issue with Smart Fee modifiers in the Enrolment Wizard where the incorrect amount was shown if the modifier was based on a Custom Field and the Payment step was skipped in the wizard. 

26148 - We have fixed an issue where Payment Plan description text was not visible after creating the Payment Plan. 

26222 - We have fixed an issue that could cause an unexpected error on the Enrolment Wizard if elective stream requirements were changed on the Program. 

26872 - We have fixed a display issue for the Amount suggestion on the Smart Fees Invoicing page which could occur if the nominal hours for a unit was 0. 

27273 - We have fixed an Automatic SmartFees issue where Smart Fees were sometimes not suggesting correctly when they have a Unit category and an enrolment had units with different Funding Source National values or Location values. 

27216 - We have fixed an Automatic SmartFees issue where Smart Fees were sometimes not suggesting correctly when they were linked to “Apprentice” or “Trainee” enrolment types. 

26505 – We have fixed an issue where a delivery rule error was being displayed incorrectly when adding Units of Study and the associated Units were enough to satisfy the delivery rule. 

25786 - We have fixed an issue where the Export Parties was returning an XML error instead of the expected CSV export. 

26992 – We have fixed an issue with the “Express Offer” button on Course Applications where the user would get an infinite spinner if they didn’t have the Party Payment system right. Users without this permission will now get an appropriate error message instead. 

26980 - We have fixed an issue with the automation that sets the Program Status Identifier to “30: In Training” on first run of the Claims Reporting Wizard for Victoria. The first run was reporting an incorrect blank value and only reporting “30: In Training” for the second run for that enrolment that had just commenced. This has now been fixed so it will report the correct initial value on the first run. 

26864 - We have resolved an issue when generating certificates from the Progress Centre and Bulk Course Certificate generation pages so that when the Clear command is actioned the values in the fields in the previous Section 1 remain as entered. 

27054 - We have resolved an issue where the Issued Date were not populated when generating certificates. 

27069 - An issue in the AVETMISS generation for TAS that can cause Date Program Completed to be reported as blank instead of 01019999 has been fixed. 

26029 - We fixed an issue where File Note templates, categories and checklists could be accessed against the Course Application entity, despite there being the inability to create File Notes against Course Applications. 

26768 We have improved merging functionality so that when attempting to merge party profiles containing CRICOS data and that were been created via referrals on the Employer Portal will no longer result in an error. 

26839 - We have resolved an issue when creating a referral via the employer portal where it wasn’t possible to enter an email address for the party record. 

27066 - We have improved the layout of the Payment page in the Student Portal to make it easier to understand where the payment had originated from by aligning the From and To fields to the correct origin. 

27011 - We fixed an issue where multi-clicking the Save Button in Event Attendance would create duplicate records. 

26951 - Fixed an issue where the Account Lock check box changes were not being saved when changing from Locked to Unlocked. 

26991- We have resolved an issue in the Progress Centre → Attendance page where sporting in enrolment Status could result in an error. 

27197 - We have resolved an issue where events linked to a course multiple times could not be removed from the course without deleting all the links to that event, you can now remove a single link. 

26406 - We have improved the breaks functionality on the attendance record page so that fields align, errors are displayed in context and general usability enhancements.


Liz is the author of this solution article.

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