Register for USI Web Services

In order to perform USI related tasks within the system, you will first need to register your RTO on the USI Taskforce Website. This is accessed via the following URL:

On this website, you will need to set up that you are a Training Body that wishes to perform USI related tasks.

You are then looking to complete an item known as the USI System Access Request Form. This is a form that adds your Registered Training Organisation to the list of approved bodies that can perform USI related tasks. It will ask relevant questions regarding your organisation, as well as confirm contact information. 

  Required: Accessing the USI Registry System

External Help Resources to assist with this are available on the USI Support website:

This form can be accessed in the following location:

The form is down the page, and displays the following information providing immediate options to start the process:

Continue to fill out the form, until you reach the following crucial step:

With this item selected, fill out the rest of the form with the pertinent information that best explains your business, as well as the primary contact responsible for managing USI needs for your company.

Upon submitting this form, the USI Registry System will complete your system access, and you will receive an email when your access is ready. You will then be able to configure the rest of the required details for your system.


Ash is the author of this solution article.

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