Adding Custom Fields to Entities

When using the system, you may run into a need to capture information that doesn’t quite fit into the existing fields. Custom Fields can be used for this purpose. In this article, we will go over how to add Custom Fields to an entity.



Custom fields only work on the following entities:

  • Academics
  • Courses
  • Enrolments/Students
  • Locations
  • Party Profiles (includes other forms of party profiles such as Companies and Service Providers)
  • Programs
  • Prospects
  • Units/Unit Scopes
  • Units of Study

If you try to add a custom field to any other entity, it will likely not appear.

Finding the Entity

To add a custom field, you need to know which entity you’d like to add it to. Entities represent different objects in your system, such as Party Profiles, Enrolments, Courses, Units, etc.

Go to Administration → Templates → Entities, this will bring up a list of entities available in your system. 

Select the entity you’d like to add the custom field to.

Click on Fields on the left side of the page under the Other heading. 

Click on the Plus button to create a new custom field. 

Adding the Custom Field

On this page, you can configure your custom field before adding it to the entity.

  • Position: Number indicating the order in which the custom field appears on the entity. This is useful if you have multiple custom fields on the one entity.
  • Name: Name of the custom field, this will be shown on the entity.
  • Type: The type of custom field you would like to place on the entity. There are multiple options for this:
    • Checkbox: A checkbox that can be ticked or unticked.
    • Combo-box: A dropdown menu that will reveal options when clicked on. The options shown can be configured under the Options heading.
    • Date: A date value. A calendar popup will appear when you click on the field that will allow to select a date.
    • Float: Numerical value that supports decimal places and whole numbers.
    • Hyperlink: Link to another webpage. URLs placed in this field will automatically be converted into a hyperlink that can be clicked on.
    • Integer: Numerical value that can be a whole number, does not support decimal places.
    • Radio: A set of buttons where only one can be selected at a time. This uses the options set under the Options heading.
    • String: A field where you can enter text.
  • Allow Blank: Having this checked will allow the custom field to be blank, otherwise it requires a value to be entered.
  • Default Value: The custom field will have this value set on any new entities created.
  • Online: Sets the field to appear in the OEP. This checkbox can be ignored.
  • Status: Sets whether the custom field is enabled or disabled. 
  • Description: Text field where you can provide a quick summary for the custom field.

Once you have configured all of the custom field settings, click on the Create button. 

The custom field will now be available to use on the entity, it will appear in the Custom Details section. 

Adding Options

With the Combo-box and Radio custom field types, you will need to have some options entered for them to work properly.

Go to the custom field you'd like to add options to and click on the Edit button.

Under the Options heading, you can enter the option name into the text field. The options entered will appear on the custom field and can be selected.

Click on the Plus button next to the Options heading to create another option.

You can also remove options by clicking on the Minus button next to the option you’d like to remove.

The Enabled checkbox can also be used to disable an option instead of removing it.

Once you have configured all your options, click on the Update button.

Caylemn is the author of this solution article.

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