OOTB Sessions


ReadyTech offers two types of paid consultation, Out Of The Box (OOTB) and Custom Consultation. This page contains detailed information on our OOTB offerings. Please review the topics covered within each session to decide if you need an OOTB or custom consult. 


If you require topics that fall outside the range of these sessions, you will need to reach out to your Customer Success Manager to book a custom consultation 


The OOTB consulting option allows you to select from a range of sessions with pre-set topics. Please see the following table to view our current OOTB session offerings. Payments for sessions are made by credit card as part of the online booking process. If you wish to pay by other means, or require additional information, please contact your customer success manager.

All session links are available here. 

Session Name
Topics Covered
Booking Link
Introduction to the System 
  • Logging in to the system
  • Basic system navigation
  • Adding users and assigning roles
  • User preferences
  • Audit logs and entities
  • Adding and managing party profiles
  • Managing and maintaining the system
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Site Setup
  • RTO details
  • USI setup
  • Certificate management
  • Email configuration & SSO
  • Locations
  • Funding contracts
  • Numbering schemes
  • Outcome preferences
  • Branding
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Curriculum Management
  • Curriculum overview
  • Creating programs
  • Creating units
  • Entry requirements
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  • Course creation
  • Viewing/managing existing courses
  • Course duplication
  • Events
  • Enrolment demonstration (manual)
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Online Applications and Enrolments (Course Forms)
  • Online course forms
  • Kanban
  • Automated communication
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Onboarding Session 5.2 - Online Applications and Enrolments (Feedback Forms)
  • Feedback forms
  • Staff notifications
  • Payments
  • Duplicate records

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  • Finance Preferences
  • Finance Overview and Basics
    • Quotes
    • Invoices
    • Payment
    • Refund/credit notes
  • Smart Fees
    • Overview
    • Reference Data for Smart Fees
    • Linking Smart Fee to a Course
  • Finance Hub
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The Student Life Cycle
  • Student Profiles
  • USI Manager
  • Enrolling into Courses
  • Letters and Forms
  • Marking Attendance
  • Recording Outcomes
  • Uploading Evidence
  • Issuing Certificates
  • Enrolment Completion
  • Progress Centre
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  • Notes and Checklists
  • Uploading Evidence
  • SMS (texts)
  • Emails
  • Letters and Forms
  • Templates
  • Surveys
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Trainer View and Student Portal
  • Student Portal
    • Portal system preferences
    • Student portal access
    • Dashboard
  • Trainer Portal
    • Navigation
    • Trainer portal access
    • Recording activity
    • Assessment centre
    • Communication
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National Reporting
  • National Reporting
  • Generating National AVETMISS Files
  • Batch Logs
  • Contacting Support
  • Standard Reports Within the System
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Custom Consultation

Custom Consultation provides more flexibility than our OOTB sessions. These sessions allow you to identify one or more specific topics to cover with one of our consultants. Consultation sessions commonly takes one of these forms:

  • General Process Review: Review of how you are using the system and feedback regarding best practice
  • Standard Consultation: Customer identified needs and topics/questions
  • OOTB Mix: A subset of sections from the OOTB offerings

Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager to book a custom consultation session. 

Gemma is the author of this solution article.

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