Release 2024.05

Should you have any questions about the latest release, please contact your Client Success Manager or Customer Support via our support centre. 


Key Changes

  • Configurable Progression Levels under Enrolment Units
  • TCSI – Unit of Study Locations and validation rule changes
  • Report builder extensions

Planned Release Dates

  • Phase I: Tuesday, 7 May 2024
  • Phase II: Tuesday, 14 May 2024



Enrolment Units – Additional Details

Improvements have been made to the Enrolment Units page when clicking the Advanced icon for one of the units, or clicking the Expand All button. The view for the advanced details now has headings and layout consistent with how it looks on the Enrolment Units edit page.

Progression Levels

The Enrolment Units page now has a field for the Progression Level. The naming and number of levels can be configured for each Program and/or Course.

By default, each enrolment unit will inherit the level from the Course unit and you can override it for specific students/units if you wish.

There is also a new Bulk Action to support updating the Progression Level for multiple units of an enrolment in bulk.

Report Builder

The following fields have been added to Report Builder:

  • Party: VFH/VSL > Permanent Address
  • Party: VFH/VSL > Term Address

TCSI – Unit of Study Locations

TCSI functionality has been extended to allow different locations to be recorded for each Unit of Study for a VSL or Higher Education enrolment. A new Location field has been added to an enrolment’s Unit of Study page, visible when selecting the More Details button.

Related to this change:

  • TCSI validation rules have been updated to reference the new Unit of Study Location field. When a Location is not entered on the Unit of Study, Enrolment or Course, then a warning will be displayed: Location will be required for {unit of study code}, or set on the enrolment or course (TCSI warning SV00001).
  • The VSL TCSI file extract has been updated to reference locations set at the Unit of Study level, or otherwise revert to the enrolment location.

Further changes are in the pipeline to update the TCSI API to report locations set at the Unit of Study level. 

TCSI - Validation Rule Changes

Updates have been made to TCSI validation rules as per recent changes communicated by the Department:

  • When saving a Unit of Study, the validation message Tuition Fee for <unit of study code> must be greater than 0 to use the selected Remission Reason (TCSI rule 10462) will no longer appear when Student Status codes 201, 202, 203 and 204 are entered.
  • The new TCSI message Tuition Fee for <unit of study code> should be greater than 0 to use a Remission Reason with the selected Student Status (TCSI rule 10921) will be displayed when:
    • The Validation/Remission Reason is not blank, and
    • Student Status code is 201, 202, 203 and 204, and
    • The effective Tuition Fee is empty or 0.
  • The new TCSI message Tuition Fee for <unit of study code> should be greater than Amount Paid Up-Front to use a Remission Reason with the selected Student Status (TCSI rule 10922) will be displayed when:
    • The Validation/Remission Reason is not blank, and
    • Student Status code is 201, and
    • The effective Tuition Fee is equal or less than the Amount Paid Up-Front.

Funding Source State Inheritance

Improvements have been made to how the Funding Source State field is inherited from a Course. 

  • When Funding Source State is set at the Course level but not set on the Enrolment or the Unit, the Funding Source State will now be automatically populated on the Enrolment, then the Unit.
  • When Funding Source State is set on the Enrolment, it will automatically populate at the Unit level if not set there.

API Improvements

The Enrolment API has been updated to include the enrolment-status-updated date in the response data.

New Party English Test API endpoints have been added to enable you to retrieve, create, update and delete English Test information. The existing English Test fields have been removed from the Party CRICOS API.

New Party Health Insurance API endpoints have been added to enable you to retrieve, create, update and delete Health Insurance records. The existing Health Insurance fields have been removed from the Party CRICOS API. Additionally, the Health Insurance Type field has been added to the Party CRICOS API.


31839 When creating a Payment, the SMS automatically changes the sign (between positive and negative) of the payment amounts when changing the Payment Type to Refund. This will now also automatically happen when the Payment Type is changed from Refund back to any other type to restore the amounts back to their original sign.

31824 We have fixed an issue where the credit balance was not calculating correctly after a credit transfer.

31017 – We have fixed an issue where the Supporting Staff field was not visible when creating an event.

31845 – We have fixed an issue with the Progress Centre Units page where unit outcomes were incorrectly being cleared when the student had a Hold.

32048 – A bug that prevented existing subject records to not be updated via the Enrolment API has been resolved.

32047 – An issue that caused Error 500 to be displayed in Student Portal when the new Student Portal setting was disabled has been resolved.

31980 – In Audit Trail, we have resolved an issue that caused Enrolment Status Reason changes to not display correctly. When the Enrolment Status Reason is changed, both the old and/or new Enrolment Status Reason will now be displayed on the Audit Trail page and in the export file.

31825 – We have fixed an issue that prevented the Subject Outcome from being automatically populated after entering the Subject Score and Unit Scores. The setting for updating the subject outcome based off score needs to be enabled.

31602 – We have fixed an issue with the Enrolment API and Employee Enrolment API that prevented an employment record from being created or updated for an enrolment. All employment record fields can now be created or updated.

30964 – An Employer Portal bug that resulted in Error 500 when referring a party you are logged in as has been resolved. 

32339 – We have fixed a bug where an error was returned when updating a Claims status to Incorrect.

32257 – We have resolved an issue where duplicate invoices were sometimes created are a course application was submitted.

32149 – We have fixed an AVETMISS issue related to Student Merge that sometimes caused learners to appear in the NAT120 and NAT130 files but not in the NAT80 or NAT85 files.

31731 – We have fixed an issue where Program > Automate Certificates where multiple copies of the same Certificate Template being sent out at the same time to the same student. This will now only issue one Certificate to the student.

31708 – We have fixed an issue when an applicant is saving their progressing within a Course Form was resulting in multiple Party records being created after resuming their application. This will no longer occur and updated information will apply to the same application.


Callum is the author of this solution article.

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