Creating a Quote for a Student

The system allows you to create a Quote for a student before they are invoiced for their enrolment into a course. In this article, we will go over how to create a Quote and how to generate an invoice from the Quote.


Navigate to the party profile for the desired student and in the left side menu, click on Quotes under the Finance heading.

This will take you to the Quotes page and show any existing Quotes for that student. To create a new Quote, click on the + New button. 

Quote Details

You should now be on the Quote creation page, where you can enter the details for the Quote.

  • To: This will be pre-filled with a link to the student’s party profile
  • Name: Name for the Quote, one will be automatically generated but you can change it if desired
  • Target: The entity the Quote is being created for. There are two options for this:
    • Party: This will create the Quote and link it directly to the student’s party profile
    • Enrolment: This will create the Quote and link it to a specified enrolment. Selecting this option will display another field where you can choose the enrolment. The invoice generated from the Quote will also be linked to the enrolment.
  • Internal Reference: If you use reference IDs for your invoices, you can include it in this field.
  • Enabled: Sets whether the Quote is enabled or disabled.
  • Status: The status of the Quote. The available options can be configured in Administration → Lookups → Reference Data.
  • Quote Number: An alphanumeric identifier that is automatically created for the Quote. This can be changed by clicking on the Edit button next to the field.
  • Date: Date that the Quote was created, this can be changed if desired.
  • Due Date: The due date of the Quote, this will be transferred to the invoice created from the Quote. 
  • Quote Template: The template that is used to create the Quote receipt.
  • Exported: Checkbox that marks whether the Quote has been exported in a report or not.
  • Category: The category for the Quote. These can be configured in Administration → Lookups → Reference Data.
  • Invoice IDs: If any invoices are created from the Quote, they will be displayed and linked in this section.
  • Description: Text field where you can enter any relevant information for the Quote.

Line Items

Line Items work the same as they would for an invoice. You can enter the line items that the student will be charged for and they will be transferred to the invoice that is created from the Quote.

For more information on entering line item details, refer to this article on creating an invoice

Once you have entered all the information for the Quote, click on the Create Quote button.

If you would like to create an invoice from the Quote, find the desired Quote, click on the three dots then click on Create Invoice

You will be taken to the invoice creation page with some of the information filled out automatically, including any line item information that was in the Quote. 

Once you have entered the required information, click on the Create button to create the invoice. 

Caylemn is the author of this solution article.

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