Release 2024.06

Release 2024.6

Should you have any questions about the latest release, please contact your Client Success Manager or Customer Support via our support centre


Key Changes

  • VET Student Loans eCAF Improvements
  • Smart Fees | Link to Funding Source State
  • Ready LMS | Set unit Target End Date

Planned Release Dates

  • Phase I: 4 June 2024
  • Phase II: 11 June 2024



VET Student Loans eCAF Improvements

A range of enhancements have been delivered in JR Plus to improve VET Student Loan eCAF submissions:

  1. When sending VSL enrolment data to the eCAF system:
    • The enrolment location is now inherited from the course when this is not set on the enrolment.
    • The Citizenship field now supports Pacific Engagement Visa.
    • The New Zealand Special Category field will now only be set to true when Citizenship is set to New Zealand Citizen and the party’s first Visa Type code is set to Special Category Visa.
  2. A new Eligibility section has been added to the Party > Compliance > VSL / FEE-HELP page for four New Zealand related eligibility checkboxes. These checkboxes are only displayed if the party’s Citizenship Status is set to New Zealand Citizen and the party’s first Visa Type is Special Category Visa. The section is dynamically shown and hidden as required on the edit page as the Visa is changed. The new fields are:
    • The student has been a resident in Australia for at least 10 years 
    • The student was a dependent child when they were first usually resident in Australia
    • The student has been in Australia for periods totalling 8 years during the previous 10 years 
    • The student has been in Australia for periods totalling 18 months during the previous 2 years

      All fields are off by default and comply with the Compliance Locks functionality.

  3. An additional field has been added to the Party > Compliance > VSL / FEE-HELP page to record Australian residency for students with a Permanent Humanitarian Visa, Pacific Engagement Visa or New Zealand Citizenship for VET Student Loans eligibility.

    The field is labelled 'The student will be a resident in Australia for the duration of their unit(s) of study for which they are applying for a loan'. 

    The field appears in the Eligibility section. If the party has one of the above Citizenship Status values, but the checkbox is turned off, an explanation message appears at the top of the page to explain the ineligibility.
  4. The VSL Eligibility checker, currently on the Party > Compliance > VSL / FEE-HELP page, will now check for learner’s VSL eligibility based on the new fields. VSL enrolment data sent to the eCAF system also includes the new fields.

Enrolment | VSL and Higher Ed tab improvements

Improvements have been made to the layouts of the Enrolment record’s VFH / VSL and Higher Ed tabs.

On the VFH/VSL tab:

  • The tab is now labelled VSL
  • Selecting the VET Student-Loans (TCSI)checkbox that has been moved to the top will now show/hide the sections below. 
    • This checkbox still controls whether the enrolment is reported to TCSI.
  • The VET-FEE-Help section has been removed if it is not in use
  • New sections have been added for eCAF and Debt Management


On the Higher Ed tab:

  • Selecting the FEE-HELP (TCSI) checkbox that has been moved to top will now show/hide the TCSI Reporting section below. 
  • This field still controls whether the enrolment is reported to TCSI.


Smart Fees | Link to Funding Source State

Smart Fees can now be linked to Funding Source State codes. This is useful if you have a course with different fees for different state funding sources. This link type for Funding Source State is also available in your Smart Fee Override Rules.


Ready LMS | Set unit Target End Date

A new setting has been added to Ready LMS Integration settings. The new setting is labelled 'Months in future to set unit end date when unit started in LMS'. 

This setting can be used to automatically calculate and set an end date for units when a ‘Commenced’ outcome is recorded. This end date is a projected ‘X’ number of months into the future from the start date.

Note that when this feature is enabled, any existing end date will be replaced when the unit is commenced or completed. Set to 0 or blank to disable this feature.

Ready LMS Integration Settings:

TCSI Improvements

In the previous release, new functionality was added to allow different locations to be recorded for each Unit of Study for a VSL or Higher Education enrolment. In this release, we are extending this new functionality:

  • The TCSI API synchronisation for VSL and Higher Education enrolments has been updated to reference Locations set at the Unit of Study level.
  • The VSL TCSI file extract and TCSI Higher Education PIR file extracts have been updated to reference locations set at the Unit of Study level, otherwise revert to the enrolment location.
  • The Location field has been added to the following API end points:
    • GET /enrolments (list enrolments)
    • GET /enrolments/{enrolment_identifier} (get enrolment)
    • POST /enrolments (create enrolment)
    • POST /enrolments/{enrolment_identifier} (update enrolment)

Subject/Unit of Study End Dates

Changes have been made to how the End Date is derived for a Subject or Unit of Study. When the Enrolment Preference ‘Inherit Subject date from Units’ is selected, the Subject or Unit of Study’s End Date will now be calculated from the latest unit’s End Date in preference to the Target End Date. 

Removal of ‘Update Units?’ Flag 

The 'Update Units?' checkbox that appears when changing an enrolment status to Cancelled or Withdrawn has been removed due to issues with its functionality. Please use the Bulk Update functionality for Units in the Progress Centre if you need to withdraw units in bulk.


32503 – We have resolved an issue related to Xetta payments when a large number of invoice items which could result in a 502 Bad Gateway error.

32297 – An issue with certificate generation that resulted in an error in the batch log has been resolved.

32263 – A fix has been applied to the Enrolment API to resolve an issue that caused an internal server error message when the ‘program-unique-supervised-hours’ was set to an integer value.

32246 – We have resolved an issue with refunds that caused the amount to not update correctly after validation.

32354 – A fix has been applied to the Fee Exemption field for NSW ACE Reporting, as found in the NAT120 file. ‘OS’ will now be reported when this is set on the enrolment or unit rather than Y or N.

31763 – An issue with Audit Trail not logging removal of Tags on Party records has been resolved.

32131 – The WA Reporting Outcome code 105 “Not Yet Started but participation expected before Enrolment End Date” is now mapped to Reportable Outcome 85 – “Not yet started” in the NAT120 file.

32434 – Fixes have been made to the Claims Report Enrolment filter to return results faster. Spaces will also be stripped from the start or end of the Enrolment ID.

32711 - We have fixed an issue with student SEE Attendance Hours claims where all the hour values were incorrectly calculated with an extra 10 or 11 hours.

32466 – We fixed an issue when adding Certify and Ratification dates were not being saved when marking units against an event. This will now apply Certify and Ratification Dates.

32034 – We've fixed an issue when a discount of 100% is applied during the payment stage of a Course Application was not resulting in an Invoice with the discount applied.

32640 - We resolved an issue when opening a Prospect record via the “Prospects List” which resulted in a page loading error being displayed.

32254 – We resolved an issue when opening the “Groups” menu option against a Party Record which resulted in a page loading error being displayed.

Liz is the author of this solution article.

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