Release 2024.07

Release 2024.7

Should you have any questions about the latest release, please contact your Client Success Manager or Customer Support via our support centre


Key Changes:

  • eCAF Improvements
  • Enrolment > Higher Ed Tab Display Rules
  • New Linked Units of Study Field on Enrolments

Planned Release Dates

  • Phase I: 2 July 2024  
  • Phase II: 9 July 2024  



eCAF Improvements

A range of improvements for managing Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Forms (eCAFs) are being delivered in this release. The SMS currently supports eCAFs for learners taking up a VET Student Loan, with support for other loan types planned for future releases.

  • eCAF Manager – Error Display

Error messages returned from the eCAF Portal are now displayed within the eCAF Manager, as well as on the enrolment record. In the eCAF Manager, select the new Alert icon on the right of the record to see a pop-up window of error messages.

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Example error messages:


  • eCAF Manager - Filter eCAF Records by errors only

A new Errors only filter option has been added to the eCAF Manager. This filter can be used to show records with an error message returned from the eCAF Portal.

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  • eCAF Manager - Delete Incomplete eCAF records

An option to delete an incomplete eCAF record has been added to the cog wheel menu on the right of a record in eCAF Manager. The Delete eCAF option is not available if the student has completed their eCAF submission. Selecting Delete eCAF sends the deletion request through to the eCAF Portal. A reason for deletion can be added via the Delete eCAF pop-up screen, which is included in an automated email sent to the learner from the eCAF Portal.


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  • Delete eCAF Permission

A new permission has been added called eCAF Delete. By default, it has been added to all roles granted the eCAF Manager permission. The eCAF Delete permission can be deselected to remove a user’s access to the Delete eCAF menu option.

  • Improved Sync of Deleted eCAF records 

Improvements have been made to the synchronisation of records deleted via the eCAF Portal. When a record is deleted via the eCAF Portal directly, the deleted status will now be synchronised back to the eCAF record in the SMS within the hour, appearing on the enrolment and in the eCAF Manager. The Deleted status will also no longer be included in the count of ‘Pending’ records in the eCAF Manager.


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  • eCAF Consistency Improvements

Improvements have been made to make the eCAF options available from an enrolment consistent to what is available via the eCAF Manager:

  1. On the Enrolment > VSL tab, the Submit eCAF button is now available whenever there is no eCAF record or an existing eCAF record has a status of Expired or Deleted.
  2. Also on the Enrolment > VSL tab, the Update eCAF record has been relabelled to Sync eCAF to match the terminology in the eCAF Manager.
  3. The Sync eCAF button is now available on the Enrolment > VSL tab when there is an eCAF record and the status is not Deleted or Expired.
  4. In the eCAF Manager, the Sync eCAF button is now available whenever there is an eCAF record present and the status is not Deleted or Expired.

  • eCAF Audit Logging

Audit logging has been added for changes to eCAF records. A new Student: eCAF entity is available in the Audit Trail. Student: eCAF allows you to view an audit trail of when an eCAF record is created, updated or deleted, and the fields that were changed.

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Enrolment > Higher Ed Tab Display Rules

Improvements have been made to when the Higher Ed tab is displayed on an enrolment. To display the Higher ed tab, the following conditions must now be met:

  • The Fee-Help Capability feature has been enabled for your instance
  • The Enrolment Preference setting to display the Higher Ed tab has been checked.
  • New – FEE-HELP is enabled on the Course

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To ensure this change does not impact existing enrolments, an update has been applied to enable the FEE-HELP field on any course that has at least one enrolment with FEE-HELP selected.


New Linked Units of Study Field on Enrolments

A new Linked Units of Study field is available in the Advanced section on Enrolment Units, allowing you to add and remove the unit’s links to units of study in the enrolment.

This field will only be visible if the enrolment has Units of Study. The field is multi-select, allowing you to add/remove links to Unit of Study attempts. Changes made via this field will be reflected on the Enrolment’s Units of Study page.

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Changes to Linked Units of Study for an enrolled unit are now logged in the Audit Trail, when searching via the Student: Unit Status entity.

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Report Builder – English Test fields

In the Report Builder, the English Test fields have been removed from the “Party CRICOS” entity and added to the new “English Test” entity.


Roles | New Course Delete Permission

A new Course Delete Permission has been added, to provide additional control for access to deleting courses.

  • If the user has access to the Courses All permission but is denied access to the Course Delete permission, then the delete button is not available in the Courses page.
  • If the user has access to the Courses All permission but the Course Delete permission is not in the current permissions, then the user can still delete courses.

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32435 – We have fixed an issue with merging parties where it could error if the party has a linked document that no longer exists.

30733 – We have fixed an issue with the Party Documents page where the pagination was not working correctly and we have made the default sort order Document creation date (newest first).

32990 – We have fixed an issue with the Parties API that when an image was provided the image could fail to upload correctly against the Party.

31987 – We have fixed an issue with the Student Portal where a student could see incorrect markup text in the Assignments -> Submit RPL Evidence terms and conditions box.

32855 – We have resolved an issue when enrolling students via the Bulk Enrolment Wizard that resulted in a “Something went wrong” error message.  

32842 – We have fixed an issue to ensure a Unit of Study end date is derived from unit End Dates, not the Target End Dates, when updating via the Enrolments > Units screen.

32693 – We have resolved an issue affecting session time outs. Inactive users will now be signed out as per the Session Timeout setting set in the About menu.

32340 – We have fixed an issue impacting updates to via the POST Party CRICOS API. The following fields can now be updated via this API: nationality, citizenship-status, country-of-birth, country-of-passport.

32264 – A fix has been applied to Canvas integration to improve how the Start Date is derived. When a student completes part of an assignment on Canvas and the existing outcome is blank (or on the Update Outcome if Current Outcome is Blank or list) the Start Date is now updated to the first assessment completed date (if this is the Populate Start Date with setting), otherwise today’s date.

33123 – We have resolved an issue with multi-factor authentication and updated the SMS to the latest version of Google MFA. Users with MFA enabled will now be presented with the QR Code or numerical code to enable MFA on their authentication app.

32867 – We have fixed an issue to ensure the Subject Score is updated when the individual Unit scores of a Subject are updated.

32731 – We have resolved an issue that caused unit scores of zero to result in a competent outcome.

32708 – We've resolved an issue that resulted in experiencing a 504 Error when using the VSL Payment Importer.

31599 – We’ve fixed the Course Search field that resulted in only displaying search results once when searching for a Course via the Prospect Wizard. This is now behaving as intended, displaying results based on the search query performed at any time.

Liz is the author of this solution article.

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