Release 2024.09

Should you have any questions about the latest release, please contact your Client Success Manager or Customer Support via our support centre.

Key Changes: 

  • Training Plans Feature

Planned Release Dates 

  • Phase I: 27 August 2024
  • Phase II: 3 September 2024


Training Plans Feature

Ability to produce and manage compliant “living” training plan documents for apprentices and trainees including digital signature capture for signers.  

  • Training plan documents are automatically updated with each signature as they are collected 
  • Unit outcomes updated as the student progresses their studies 
  • Consequential enrolment changes are restricted once signed 
  • New training plan versions can be created where significant changes are required

For more information, please refer to our documentation.


Progression Levels

The label for the progression level has been changed to always display as “Level” wherever it appears for Programs, Courses and Enrolments. Previously, the label was dynamic based on the progression level type configuration. 

TCSI Scheduled Sync 

New functionality has been added to the SMS to synchronise records to TCSI every hour via the API. New and changed records will be automatically reported to TCSI when this has been enabled. 

To enable this setting, go to the TCSI Integrations page and select the Automatic Scheduled Sync checkbox. 

TCSI Scheduled Sync jobs appear in the Batch Log with a Type of TCSI Scheduled Sync:

A new Last Run indicator has been added to the TCSI Integration Centre. When selected, the TCSI Sync will be triggered to run on demand. After selecting Last Run, select the Run TCSI Sync button in the modal:

VET Student Loans Census Date Auto-Calculation 

A new preference setting has been added to VET Student Loans > Census Date Calculation to prevent census dates from automatically updating when: 

  • At least one unit in the enrolment has a reportable outcome, or 
  • A unit has an outcome that has ‘Enrolled Outcome’ configured. 

To enable the preference, go to Administration > Configuration > Preferences > VET Student Loans (VSL) and select the Enrolled/Reportable outcomes lock census date checkbox. This field is visible when Auto-Calculate Census Date has been selected. 

Enrolment API Improvements  

We have made changes to Academic Period related changes to the Enrolment APIs: 

  • The POST Enrolment API has been updated to allow updates to the Academic Period that is linked to a Client Unit of Study. 
  • The GET Enrolment API has been updated to allow retrieval of the academic period assigned to a Client Unit of Study. 

For further information on these changes, refer to the Plus API documentation.  

These above API changes require the API call to reference an Internal ID associated to the Academic Period. The Internal ID is now visible on the Academic Period page:

GET Courses API Improvements 

New unit_start_date_from and unit_start_date_to filters have been added to the GET Courses API to return courses with start dates within or on the specified date ranges. 

For further information on these changes, refer to the Plus API documentation.  

AVETMISS Outcome 70

We have revised the name of AVETMISS Outcome 70 from 70 - Continuing enrolment to 70 - Continuing activity to match AVETMISS Data Definitions. 

Student Import 

The Student Import feature has been improved to support Subjects or Units of Study. When adding enrolments via Student Import and the course has been configured with Subjects or Units of Study, the enrolment record is created with subjects as per the course, and units linked to those subjects.  


32719 – We have fixed up a bug with the Fee Exemption State reference data table, so that the state field now displays a dropdown list of values. 

33591 – Student Portal has been fixed so that students can now specify a Location type when adding or updating their addresses. 

33579 – A fix has been applied to TCSI PIR file reports to ensure students records that are not enabled are not included in the extracts. 

34009 – Certificate Templates using the USI Verified (excluding Exemption Codes) rule have been updated to not generate for students with the INDIV or INTOFF USI exemption codes. This applies to both automatic and manual generation. 

32956 – Certificate Templates using the USI Verified, including Exemption codes rule have been updated to generate for students with the INDIV or INTOFF USI exemption codes. This also applies to both automatic and manual generation. 

33958 – A fix has been applied to the reallocation of credit payments functionality. When crediting an invoice, a credit note record is created. The general ledger code mapped this credit note is now as per what is configured as the default ledger code in the SMS preferences. The line-item text has also been updated to ‘Credit Allocation’.  

33852 – A fix has been applied to Claims Reporting that caused the Warning Report to result in an error when a party had a duplicate unit that had an empty start date. 

33849 – A fix has been applied to Subject Details Import to ensure only the Location associated to the Program Location is able to be imported. 

33271 - Fixed an issue where JSON API request for /parties/{party id}/identifications when hyphens used in field names generated an error. 

Ash is the author of this solution article.

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