Release 2024.10

Should you have any questions about the latest release, please contact your Client Success Manager or Customer Support via our support centre


Key Changes:

  • Blueprints – a new feature to enable flexible program delivery
  • New enrolled unit – planned start date field to support Apprenticeship compliance
  • eCAF integration improvements

Planned Release Dates

  • Phase I: 24 September 2024
  • Phase II: 1 October 2024




Blueprints provide a new layer of flexibility when defining the ways in which you deliver your programs. Configured against a program, they enable you to set up variant delivery options for your qualifications, including unit selection, planned unit commencement and duration.

Blueprints may be applied to an enrolment to quickly change unit selection prior to commencement and are intended to support training plan creation.


Enrolled Unit – Planned Start Date

We have implemented a new field for Planned Start Date for all enrolled units. This field is intended to support Training Plan compliance requirements and fee calculations based on the expected start date of the unit.

We have also made it easier to see the non-actual dates on the Units page when either the actual Start Date or actual End Date is empty. Actual dates will be shown in the normal black text, but when you don’t have an actual date we will display the Planned Start/Target End date in grey text with a clock icon to indicate it hasn’t happened yet.


eCAF Integration – Earliest Enrolment Start Date

In Release 2024.08, we added a new setting to enable the automatic submission of enrolment data to obtain an eCAF for a VSL or FEE-HELP enrolment. This functionality has been extended to allow for an earliest enrolment start date to be set.

A new field Earliest enrolment start date for automatic submission has been entered to the eCAF Integration Settings page.

When a date has been entered, only enrolments with a start date on or after that date (along with other existing criteria) will be automatically submitted for an eCAF.


WA RAPT Reporting

Improvements have been made to how fee information is included in the WA RAPT Reporting. When fees are generated for the enrolment using Smart Fees, the amounts now appear in the RAPT report.

  • Column 19 Course Fees – includes any Smart Fees with a Tuition Type and category of Unit
  • Column 20 Resource Fees – includes any Smart Fees with a Resource Type and category of Unit
  • Column 21 Incoming Contingent Loan Liability – shows the total of the enrolled unit fees with a type of ‘Income Contingent Loan Liability’, if any exist. Otherwise, shows the total of any deferral amounts entered on the Smart Fees with a category of Unit.


Enrolment API Changes

A new POST Enrolment Higher Ed API endpoint has been added to update Higher Education TCSI data fields for an enrolment. A related GET Enrolment Higher Ed API endpoint has also been added to retrieve Higher Education TCSI data fields.

Fields added are: FEE Help (TCSI); Admission Basis; Attendance Mode; Credit Used; Credit/status HEP code; Details of Prior Study; Max. Student Contribution; Student Status; First Specialisation Code; Second Specialisation Code; Third Specialisation Code; Fourth Specialisation Code

For further information on these changes, refer to the JR Plus API documentation.  


Victorian Claims Reporting – Validation Rule 120026

New logic has been added to support the recently added SVTS validation rule 120026 for Victorian Claims Reporting.

In the NAT120 file, the Hours Attended field will now only be populated if the outcome identifier is: 40 (withdrawn/discontinued); 41 (incomplete due to RTO closure); 61 (superseded subject); or 82 (non-assessable enrolment – withdrawn or not satisfactorily completed).

When Hours Attended and another outcome identifier has been recorded on the enrolled unit, the NAT120 file will now report Hours Attended as blank for Victorian enrolments.


Web Content – Custom Fields

Enhancements have been made to the Web Content feature, with Custom Fields now supported via the administration screens and the API. Web Content enables you to manage and display course information on external platforms through the use of the API.

Custom Fields for Web Content can be defined within the Administration > Templates > List > Web Content screen. Select the Fields menu item on the left to display the page to add or edit custom fields. The usual types of custom fields can be added (e.g. checkboxes, radio buttons, date fields, etc).

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

When editing or adding a Web Content item (under Communications > Web Content), the custom fields defined above will now appear in a new section at the end of the page, under a new Custom Fields heading.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

The Web Content API (campaign) end points have been updated to support the Custom Fields via the use of ad-hoc-field.  The APIs updated are:

  • GET /webservice/campaigns
  • GET /webservice/campaigns/{campaign_id}

Refer to the JR Plus API documentation for further information. 


Progression Levels

When applying a Level in bulk to enrolled units, the dropdown will now have an option for – Use Course Unit Value – to specify that you would like those units to inherit their level from the Course Units. Previously, this option had no text and it wasn’t clear what the purpose of this option was for.


Victorian Training Plan Template

The Victorian training plan document produced will now only show the school and parent signature sections where these signatories have been added to the training plan.



The Location API end points have been updated to support rooms within the location.  The APIs updated are:

  • GET /webservice/location
  • GET /webservice/location/{id}

Refer to the JR Plus API documentation for further information. 



32963 – A fix has been applied to Canvas LMS integration. Errors related to the syncing of individual learner data will now appear in the Batch Log

34143 – A bug preventing eCAF data from syncing on an enrolment when the eCAF status changes to Expired or Deleted via the eCAF Portal has been resolved.

34274 – On the Program > Finance > Claiming screen, we have fixed a bug that prevented the display of states in the State dropdown field.

34295 – We have resolved an issue that prevented the display of records in the Upcoming Deferrals page.

34359 – We have fixed a bug with editing custom fields on locations that prevented values from being saved.

34012 – An issue that prevented PO Box addresses entered via the Address Lookup field from being saved correctly has been resolved.

33531 – An issue in Report Builder that prevented a party with a single name from being returned has been resolved. Single name parties will now be returned when using either the Party: Full Name and Student: Full Name fields.

32964 – A fix has been applied to the Audit Logs > Integration Logs filters. When selecting the Successful filter and choosing No, only failed or unsuccessful integration logs will be displayed.  

32671 – We have resolved an issue preventing the course from being modified in the New Enrolment Wizard.

34462 – resolved issue preventing Add documents and Bulk Upload buttons from working in the Lookup Documents window of a Document Pack.

32722 – Bulk unit grading will now display results where a student has multiple enrolments in the same unit.

31829 – When editing user groups, the cancel button will no longer appear to save the record.

27787 – Resolved issue preventing the bulk select all function from working for Certificates and Credly records in the Progress Centre when a saved search is used.

33940 – API documentation for adhoc fields has been updated

33598 – We've made an adjustment to Letter Template lookup within the Letters & Forms – Quick that displayed Certificate templates as available results to select from. This will no longer display templates with a type of Certificate.

33148 – We have fixed an issue where the red notification alert in top right was not appearing for newly created users

33566 – We have fixed an issue when creating courses through the API where the units for those newly created courses were not populating correctly.

34336 - The “Pu blished” column has been removed from the training plan index page as it was not being used.

34366 – removed the “Address” headers for Employer contacts on the training plan overview

34310 – Removed the requirement for the e-Signatures feature to be enabled for training plan signatures to be captured.

34301 – The preview batch log with now display the user who generated a training plan PDF.



Rebecca is the author of this solution article.

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