Release 2024.11

Should you have any questions about the latest release, please contact your Client Success Manager or Customer Support via our support centre


Key Changes:

  • Compliance reporting improvements
  • Improvements to First Attendance logic
  • Updates to Training Plans and Blueprints functionality

Planned Release Dates

  • Phase I: 22 October 2024
  • Phase II: 29 October 2024



AVETMISS and Claims Reporting

  • New logic has been added to AVETMISS and Claims Reporting to refine which records are included for the reporting year. Enrolments with a Target End Date set to a past year but with an End Date that is either blank or in the current year will now be included.
  • In Release 2024.10, we added a Planned Start Date field to support Apprenticeship compliance. AVETMISS and Claims Reporting have now been updated to report the Planned Start Date as the Activity Start date when there is a Planned Start Date but no Start Date entered. Similar logic has been applied to the WA RAPT report Start  Date.


Victorian Claims Reporting

  • For units with a Credit Transfer outcome where the Activity Start Date was before the Program Commencement Date, the start and end dates are now automatically set to match the Program Commencement Date in the NAT120 file. Dates on the units in the SMS are also updated.
  • When the Victorian Student Number is not saved to the enrolment, it will now be reported as blank in the NAT80 file rather than zeros.


Invoice API Update

  • A new field has been exposed in the Invoice API that displays the sub_total amount for each invoice item within an Invoice
    1. This will support GET and POST methods to request for this information against an invoice


First Attendance

Changes have been made to the first attendance logic to remove some of the requirements:

  • The event for attendance can now be prior to the date of the Program Commencement Date. This will allow units to have a reportable start date prior to the Program Commencement Date in this scenario.
    1. The benefit of this logic change is that units in this scenario will be flagged as warnings in Victorian AVETMISS generation and you can update dates manually to ensure appropriate compliance.


  • The requirement that the unit cannot already be claimed/reported has been removed. This is to cater for the rare scenario where a previously claimed/reported unit had its outcome reverted to a non-reportable outcome and later was triggered (or re-triggered) for first attendance.


  • Attendance marking will no longer have the logic to shift the Activity Start Date of units with a Credit Transfer outcome when those dates are before the Program Commencement Date. This logic will now be performed as part of the AVETMISS generation process (see the section above on Victorian Claims Reporting changes for details).



  • The validation preventing blueprints from being applied to enrolments with smart fees applied has been removed. Smart fees will be recalculated and in the case of units being removed from the enrolment, may become invalid, showing as a suggested fee change (remove) on the Smart Fees Invoicing page.
  • The length of a blueprint name can no longer exceed what the system will accept.


Training Plans

  • Additional warning validations have been added where:
    1. There is no traineeship/apprenticeship record associated with the enrolment.
    2. No Employer record is associated with the enrolment
    3. No Employer record is associated with the traineeship/apprenticeship
    4. There is no primary contact for the associated employer
    5. Address is missing for the associated employer
  • We have improved error messages if the training plan document creation process fails for any reason.
  • Training plans support for the new planned start date field.
    1. For all states outside of Victoria, where actual start dates are blank and a planned start date has been entered, the planned start date will be used on the generated training plan.
    2. In Victoria, planned start dates are displayed in the planned start date field when used. Actual start dates will be displayed in the planned start date field where planned start dates are not entered.
  • Added support for host employer contact details to display on the Tasmanian training plan template – Supervisor name, phone number and job title.



34450 – A fix has been applied to the Integrations Centre to resolve an issue causing a loading message when filtering on TCSI Status. Users can now filter by status and have the correct records load without the previous error that caused a 404 error due to incorrect routing.

33145 – Resolved an issue in the Attendance Report where selecting the 'Enrolled' status would result in a 504 error. The report now runs in the background and can be downloaded as a PDF or spreadsheet, preventing timeout errors due to large data sets.

32946 – Resolved an issue with the Enrolment Wizard and Bulk Enrolment Wizard that caused the Start and End Date calendar icons to still be available for Disabled subjects.

34727 – In the Transfer Wizard, we fixed a bug where transferred enrolments were incorrectly assigned a default fee exemption state value when blank on the original enrolment.

34668 – An update was applied to Claims Reporting to prevent the Next button from being selected before all Contracts had loaded on the Contracts screen.

34652 – A fix has been applied to Xetta Payment Gateway integration to resolve a rounding issue that sometimes caused an incorrect amount to be allocated to a refund.

30258 - Resolved inconsistencies between AVETMISS reporting using date ranges and activity years. Units that span across years will now be accurately included in date range and activity year reports. Date range reports will not include units without a start date, aligning with activity year reporting.

29704 - Resolved an issue where users without permission could access the Company Portal > Profile page via a direct link.

34468 – Resolved an issue where a Course form was producing a submitted application and enrolling the applicant without completing the payment step prior to submitting the form.

This will no longer result with enrolling the applicant into the Course without payment and create an application with a Partial status to allow the applicant to return the payment step in their application.

34697 - Staff added to an event as supporting staff may now see and mark attendance for students in the event via the Plus simplified trainer view if they have adequate permissions.

34834 – Validation for applying a blueprint to an enrolment was considering units which had been disabled on the course. Disabled units will no longer be considered when validating if a blueprint may be applied.

 27787 – Fixed an issue preventing bull selection when using a saved filter in Progress Centre > Certificates and Credly.

Rebecca is the author of this solution article.

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