
PayPal is the faster, safer way to pay online without sharing financial details.


The setup for PayPal follows a similar procedure as other payment gateways.

Locate the Finance section found within the systems General Preference settings (Administration > Configuration > Preferences), and within this area you will have the ability to select a Payment Gateway. Select PayPal from the list.

  1. Navigate to Administration → Configuration → Preferences:
  2. Select Payment Gateway from the left hand menu:
  3. Click the [+] button to start the process to implement a new Payment Gateway:
  4. The page that appears will display a range of Payment Gateway options available to set up. Locate the PayPal item that appears like so:
  5. Pressing the Connect button will open a new window to enter your PayPal payment gateway information.

Entering PayPal Payment Gateway Details

In the window that appears, you will need to enter your specific PayPal gateway details:

For the gateway integration to function, you will need the following information from PayPal:

  • Name: Mandatory field used to identify the PayPal payment gateway in your system.
  • Username: The username for your PayPal API. 
  • Password: The password for your PayPal API.
  • Signature (PayPal): The signature key for your PayPal API.
  • Return URL: The URL that the customer will be redirected to when they complete the transaction. It is recommended that you put your student management system site URL here. 
  • Cancel URL: The URL that the customer will be redirected to when they cancel the transaction. It is recommended that you put your student management system site URL here. 

To allow Live Payments, both Enable Payment Mode and Enable must be checked.

Enabling the Gateway

Now that you have set up the PayPal payment gateway, you will need to enable it in your system Preferences.

  1. Navigate to Administration → Configuration → Preferences:
  2. On the left-hand side, select General:
  3. Click on the Edit button in the top left-hand side of the Preferences area:
  4. Locate the Finance section, and within this area you will have the ability to select a Payment Gateway. Select PayPal from the list.
  5. With this done, PayPal has now been set as the Default Payment Gateway for use within your system.

PayPal In Use

Once the PayPal gateway is both set up and enabled, it will function within your course applications.

  1. The payment page of a course application process will appear like so:

  2. Clicking the Pay Now option will load the Payment Gateway for PayPal:
  3. The Amount is not editable on this page. The customer can either log into their PayPal account or enter all of the required details to make the payment. 

  Next Steps: Course Form Setup

Now that PayPal has been set up globally you can now configure the gateway to work within a Course Form.

Caylemn is the author of this solution article.

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