Importing an Accredited Unit into your System

At times, you might find that certain units from your scope are missing from your system. Fear not, as we have a user-friendly process to help you rectify this situation using our intuitive features. This article will walk you through the steps to effortlessly incorporate accredited units into your system.


Why Would I Need To Import Units?

If you encounter instances where certain units are missing from your system, don't worry. Our unit scope wizard is at your service. This powerful tool ensures that any missing units can be effortlessly added to your system.

To ensure accuracy and reliability, a significant portion of unit information is sourced from (TGA). This means you can trust that the data you're importing is up-to-date and in line with regulatory standards.

Adding A Unit Into Your System

Log in to your account and navigate to the Administration → Curriculum → Units.

You will see a list of units already in your system. Click the Plus button to initiate the process of adding a new unit.

You have the option to create a custom unit or search for units directly from TGA. For the purpose of this guide, we recommend searching for units via TGA to ensure accuracy.


We recommend obtaining and cross-referencing the unit code on the website to confirm its accuracy before proceeding.

Use the unit code to search for your desired unit.


We strongly advise you to only add units that fall within your Registered Training Organisation's (RTO) scope. This practice safeguards against issues that may arise while reporting training data. 

To ensure that only units within your scope are returned in the search results, keep the In Scope Only checkbox checked.

Once you've found the unit you want to incorporate, click the Create button next to that unit. 

Some of the compliance details (such as Field of Education and Nominal Hours) for the unit will be pre-filled, saving you time and effort. However, you can always edit these details before saving the unit.

Once all the necessary details are in place, click the Create button to finalize the addition of the unit.

The newly added unit is now available for use within your system. You can seamlessly incorporate it into your training programs and curriculum.

 Additional Reading

Here is some additional reading on managing the Curriculum in your system:

Caylemn is the author of this solution article.

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