Session 9.1 - Communications


This article contains all information and resources required for Session 9.1 of the Onboarding Education training series. In this session, you will be introduced to the many communication features of the SMS, including using notes and checklists, uploading evidence, sending texts and emails, letters and forms, templates and finally surveys. 

 Document Resource

A PDF of the slides from this presentation is available to download:

 Figure 1. Session placement in workflow. 

Topics Covered 

  1. Notes and Checklists

  2. Uploading Evidence

  3. SMS (texts)

  4. Emails

  5. Letters and Forms

  6. Templates

  7. Surveys

Session Recording 


  • Introduction - 00:00
  • Training Overview - 00:56
  • Notes & Checklists Overview - 2:38
  • Uploading Evidence Overview -  7:16
  • Creating a Note/ Checklist for a Party - 8:58
  • Upload Evidence for a Party - 11:24
  • SMS & Emails Overview - 12:57
  • Letters & Forms Overview - 16:38
  • Send SMS in Bulk - 18:25
  • Sending Course-wide Email - 20:18
  • Sending an Email for an Event - 21:32
  • Create a Letter/Form for a Student - 24:24
  • Templates Overview - 27:52
  • Creating Templates - 33:49
  • Surveys Overview -  38:38
  • Create an Anonymous Survey for Students - 45:39
  • Summary & Action Items - 50:22

Consulting Session 

If you wish to complete this session with an education consultant, you can book a paid one on one session here: [not currently available]

Session Resources 

To complete this session, you will require the following resources. Please be mindful that the majority of sessions are more valuable if you have completed the previous sessions in the workflow (see figure 1).

Physical Resources
1Access to the SMS, including URL, username and password
SMS Setup
3Email configuration completed
Prerequisite Knowledge and Understanding
5Basic navigation

Session Outcomes/Action Items 

Following the session, we recommend you complete the following action items. This will assist in enabling you to set up your Student Management System correctly, as well as prepare you for the next and future training sessions.

  • Create a note

  • Upload a document to a party profile

  • Send an SMS from a party profile

  • Send emails from within a Courses

  • Send an email for an Event

  • Create your email templates

  • Create a survey for future use

Additional Resources 

The following resources provide additional support and information relating to this session.


  •  Do I have to use an existing template to make use of notes and checklists? 
     Notes do not need a template (but one can be created/used if desired). 
     Checklists will require a pre-configured template. 
  •  Can I send an SMS without the MessageMedia integration? 
      No, you will need to have a MessageMedia account and the integration configured to send SMSs from within your system.  
  •  Are survey's anonymous? 
     Yes, survey's are anonymous (Administration > Forms > Survey Forms). If you wish to create a non-anonymous survey, you can use Feedback Forms (Administration > Forms > Feedback Forms). Feedback forms will be stored against an individual party's record. 
  •  If a student responds to an automated email from the system, where does the response go? 
     Within the system, you can set up multiple "from" email address (you will be required to have at least one when you configure your emails). Responses are then sent to that email address's inbox, which will be outside the SMS. 
  •  I am using Feedback forms. I have a URL that is like:{Party Identifier} 

     I've copied this into a template and it's not working. Why? 
     The system automatically generates Feedback Forms with {Party Identifier} at the end. You will ALWAYS need to update this once you paste it in a template to the party identifier tag {party[party_identifier]} 

Gemma is the author of this solution article.

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